A Wholesome Get-together

Yesterday evening we descended upon Kailua’s Whole Foods Market. The purpose of our visit was in danger of taking a backseat to admiring and sampling the tasty and beautifully arranged food – but, once fed, we managed to focus on the task at hand. As usual there was no shortage of worthy sketch subjects. Time passed quickly, and the setting sun added challenges to those of us sketching outside.

At show-and-tell we lined a bench with our sketches and chatted about what drew us to the scenes and media we had chosen. Ivan treated us to a digital sketch of the bar area that combined computer emulations of pen and watercolor, and newcomer Eric brought a new (real life) medium into the mix: acrylic paint pens.

Since this was another, rare midweek event (evening too), we would appreciate feedback on how these work for everyone. Feel free to leave a comment or send us email. And, as always, don’t forget to check out the day’s sketches on Flickr – and upload yours!

Our next event will be on July 9 at Koko Head Botanical Garden. Stay tuned for details!

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2 Comments on “A Wholesome Get-together”

  1. ivan kaisan says:

    sebastian, great posting of the event at whole foods. frankly i thought it was crazy to have a drawing event there; what is there to draw? and as usual my skepticism was overwhelmed by the creative eyes of the folks who showed. i really enjoyed it, another fun challenge. ivan

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sebastian Sievert says:

      Thanks, Ivan! Glad to hear you had a good time in an unexpected venue. We shamelessly stole the idea from the SF Bay Area group. Hope to sketch with you again soon!


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